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Catholic News Herald

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112522 Christmas creche art projectAdvent is the perfect opportunity to teach children about the importance of giving and of loving others by imitating Jesus. Just as “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son” (John 3:16), so too can children prepare for Jesus’ birth by imitating God’s love for others.

Try this family project: a Christmas crèche (or manger) that children can make from popsicle sticks, then fill with straw to soften the bed where the Baby Jesus will lay – placing a piece of straw for each good deed, alms, prayer or sacrifice done for others they do during Advent.

Follow the steps below to make your own crèche, and start a new Christmas tradition to grow in holiness and prepare for the birth of Jesus.
— Catholic News Herald
At www.faithmorepreciousthangold.com: Download and share instructions for this fun project with friends and family.


12 popsicle sticks

Non-toxic glue or hot glue gun

Straw (sandwich bag amount)

Miniature plastic or wooden baby figurine

Fabric (little piece to wrap baby doll in)



Glue 4 popsicle sticks together lengthwise. Adult supervision recommended, and adults only should use a hot glue gun. Repeat.


Glue 2 separate popsicle sticks together in the shape of an X. Repeat.


Stand each X upright and lay the sets of 4 glued sticks across the top as shown in the photo. Secure using strong glue.


For each good deed done during the four weeks of Advent, lay one piece of straw in the manger.


Hand-craft or buy a 2- to 3-inch baby figurine, and wrap it in the fabric as swaddling. On Christmas Eve, lay the Baby Jesus figure in the manger in celebration of Jesus’ birthday.


Share your creativity with other Catholic News Herald readers! Email a photo of your family’s Christmas crèche to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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