diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

Mother Teresa reminded us, “Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone. Person to person.” We may continue her legacy by sponsoring a child or family in her name.

I have recently procured two additional sponsorships by splitting the cost among family members in honor of my deceased father and my wife’s father, who recently passed away.

Certainly the same idea of splitting costs may be applied to friends, coworkers, schools, etc. Be sure to search for reputable child sponsorship sites.

The Holy Spirit will give us the courage to sacrifice some of our wants to fulfill others’ needs.

As the holiday season looms, many will be waiting for their “Christmas Star” to appear in the form of a person providing basic necessities. Mother Teresa is waiting in heaven to help us love our neighbor, especially those frequently forgotten.

Joe Schraufnagel is a parishioner of Holy Infant Parish in Reidsville.